The College UnMazed Team

Dr. Amanda Sterk

Dr. Michele Evard

Your Guide to Design & Document Your Homeschool

Dr. Timothy Poynton

Dr. Richard Lapan

  • Dr. Amanda Sterk has worked in education for 20 years, as a teacher, school counselor, counselor educator, and higher education administration. In all her roles, she has focused on student programming and curriculum with a focus on increasing communication and information to all stakeholders for college and career readiness. Dr. Sterk is active in community and state programs, such as the Florida Alliance of Dual Enrollment Partnerships, Florida College Access Network, and FutureMakers (Talent Hub). After 20 years in education, she brings her passion for helping students realize their full potential through academic planning and college decision-making. Her responsibilities include content creation, presentation, and collaborator relations.


  • Dr. Timothy Poynton is a Professor and Counselor Educator committed to improving the transition from high school into young adulthood through his research and teaching. A former school counselor, Dr. Poynton is currently an associate professor in the department of Counseling & School Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Poynton has published several research articles and book chapters related to school counseling, career development, and college readiness, and was recognized in 2011 as the Counselor Educator of the Year by the American School Counselor Association. His responsibilities include technology, school-based analysis, and assessment.


  • Dr. Richard Lapan is a professor, counselor educator, and psychologist committed to transforming the profession of school counseling from an ancillary support service to a comprehensive program central to the academic, personal development, and social justice/ diversity mission of every school. The effectiveness of these efforts was recognized in 2006 when Dr. Lapan won the prestigious Counselor Educator of the Year award from the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). His responsibilities include research, innovation, and curriculum development.


College UnMazed Collaborators

Holly Ramsey

Your Guide to Design & Document Your Homeschool

Dr. Sarah Stashkiw

Your Guide to Dual Enrollment

  • Dr. Michele Evard is an educational consultant who assists homeschooling families during the K-12 years and college application process. While homeschooling her three children and mentoring others, she co-founded Many Rivers Unschoolers and later served as president of the Voyagers, Inc Homeschool Cooperative and Resource Center.

    Dr. Evard is an active member of multiple organizations including Independent Educational Consultants Association, National Association for College Admission Counseling, SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) and the Digital Learning Collaborative.

  • Holly Ramsey is an educational consultant specializing in working with homeschoolers and their parents to create clear, concise, and compelling college applications and counselor documents. She is a professional member of Independent Educational Consultants Association, where she served in a variety of roles and is a recipient of IECA’s Making a Difference Award. Ms. Ramsey is also a member of the Texas Association for College Admission Counseling. In addition to homeschooling her own five children, Holly taught writing to hundreds of homeschoolers through Brave Writer™ and mentored new Brave Writer™ instructors.

  • Dr. Sarah Stashkiw has over 20 years of experience in education as a middle school Spanish teacher, College Success Seminar professor, and higher education administrator dedicated to increasing students’ access to college through dual enrollment and work on college and career preparation. She currently serves as the Director for P-20 Educational Partnerships at the College of Lake County and holds leadership roles in state and national dual enrollment organizations: The Illinois Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships and the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships.



Our mission is: To provide comprehensive resources to guide students through the college decision-making process.

College UnMazed is a comprehensive, user-friendly destination for anyone looking for guidance and support in making informed college decisions. Dr. Sterk, Dr. Poynton, and Dr. Lapan have partnered together to bring research informed practices and data driven strategies to help students and families navigate the college-going process. As school counselors, nationally and internationally recognized counselor educators and researchers, and parents, we have developed a school and family-inclusive curriculum to take the stress and misinformation out of navigating the high school to college maze. Written for students, the College UnMazed workbook and curriculum will be an integral part of your college and career programming.

College UnMazed’s mission is twofold: 1) to help students and their families successfully navigate the transition from high school to college, and 2) collaborate with educators to promote the success and satisfaction of students and their families.

Contact us.


“This is guidebook is so exciting! I am glad that you have written a book to help all high school students and parents out.”

– Parent