Your Step-by-Step Guide

Go through the “unmazing” process with confidence to make informed college decisions


Career & College Development

College UnMazed provides students a clear guide on how to build college and career readiness skills for their current and future academic success. With focusing on building key factors (You Factors, Academic Factors, Career Factors, and Money Factors), students embark on an explicit journey of self-discovery and growth guided through engaging activities and critical knowledge for their college and career pathway.


College Admissions Guide for Parents and Students

College UnMazed provides families with the tools and resources for both parents and students to be knowledgeable and ready about the entire college admissions process. Families will be “unmazed” as you are expertly guided through building a college list, exploring colleges, and applying to colleges. Learn the essential steps, what questions to ask along the way, and when to use specific resources for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.


Informed Decision-Making

The College UnMazed workbook not only provides families with the tools to apply to colleges, but is also designed to walk families through the decision-making process of which college to attend. Making an informed college decision is crucial to college success and satisfaction.

College Planning in a Box

Introducing our comprehensive College Planning in a Box – the ultimate resource to guide both students and parents seamlessly through the college application journey. This kit includes a thoughtfully designed student workbook to help applicants explore their strengths, a detailed parent guide for valuable support, engaging card-sort activity to streamline college priorities, and a wealth of additional resources to demystify the admissions process. Empower your family with the tools they need for success in this important chapter of education.

Free Resources


Free College Knowledge Quiz

Take our College Admissions Knowledge Evaluation (CAKE) to see how much college knowledge you have!


Free Downloads

Download and use College UnMazed’s exclusive College Data Organizer (CDO) and Award Letter Comparison Chart to help you make informed decisions.