Episode 1: Deepening Your Conversations about College Fit

Expert Panel: Amanda Sterk, Ed.D., Timothy Poynton, Ed.D. & Richard Lapan, Ph.D.

Join the authors of College UnMazed on how we, as counselors, practitioners, parents, etc., need to deepen our conversations about college fit with our students. Often times we do not have a clear way to communicate what college fit actually is, and what it means to every student. Using the 6 Keys of College Fit allows educators to be more intentional this communication and provides deeper context for the students.

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This is a live event- so feel free to ask questions!

Listen live on September 13th at 2:00 pm on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/collegeunmazed) or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/collegeunmazed).

Watch here for the replays: https://www.youtube.com/CollegeUnMazed

Do you have a question or topic you would like us to discuss in our College Conversations? Complete the form below to let us know!

Dr. Amanda Sterk

Dr. Amanda Sterk is a leader in innovative educational strategies that prepares students and parents for the high school to college process.


Episode 3: Data- The Unsexy but Necessary Part of College Admissions


Episode 2: Moving Past Reach, Match & Safety