Episode 6: Diving into Cost of Attendance versus Net Price: Helping Families Understand the True Cost of College

Join us as we discuss the real cost of college. While 91% of families believe higher education is an investment in a student’s future, only 52% of families say they have a plan on to pay for college. On top of that, the research from Dr. Lapan and Dr. Poynton showed that 60% are scared off by college’s sticker prices and simply won’t apply. Thus, it is important as practitioners to deepen the conversation between cost of attendance versus net price.


Check out our social media posts on some great information on figuring out a college’s net price and other ways to earn money for college.

Dr. Amanda Sterk

Dr. Amanda Sterk is a leader in innovative educational strategies that prepares students and parents for the high school to college process.


Episode 7: Tuition Exchange Programs & Paying for College


Episode 5: The Common Data Set: An Underutilized Resource and How to Use it