Your College-Bound Student Curriculum

Do you wonder how you can better support your students’ college-bound goals? College UnMazed was written by and for school counselors and program directors just like you to provide a curriculum to help students navigate the high school to college process with ease and success.



Use the College UnMazed Student College-Readiness Survey to strengthen key areas in the contextual skills students need to be successful through the college process. Comprehensive pre- and post-test surveys provide critical data for administration support and program implementation.


Ready Made Curriculum

College UnMazed was developed by educators/ school counselors to be a comprehensive curriculum. The curriculum includes the College UnMazed student workbook (printed or digital), ready-made PowerPoints, infographics, and detailed lesson plans with additional links and resources. As well, schools and programs can connect with the college-bound app for students with additional resources, webinars, and articles.

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Support Your Families.

College UnMazed was designed to be a conversation starter and engager between the school, parents, and students. With engaging activities, colorful, detailed infographics, and information scaffolding, it provides you with a clear curriculum to enhance your college readiness programming.

Fundraiser/ Side Hustle

As counselors we are always looking at financially supporting our programs and ourselves. College UnMazed has been used both as a fundraiser for school programs and for counselors to work privately with students. Find out how you can find your best path forward with College UnMazed.